[ Neidio i Gynnwys ]

Kickstart for Retail

Bydd y sesiwn hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Saesneg


Cost: Am ddim

Diwrnod o weithdai bychain i fanwerthwyr ar y stryd fawr ac ar-lein sy'n edrych i dyfu.


O 10am tan 4pm, cymerwch ran mewn hyd at chwe gweithdy 45 munud sy'n eich helpu i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd gwerthu, cysylltu â chwsmeriaid posib, a thyfu eich busnes.


Mae'r diwrnod o weithgareddau'n cael ei ddarparu gan TownSq ac Antur Cymru fel rhan o brosiect SPF a ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn cydweithrediad â Chyngor Sir Powys.




A day of bitesized workshops for bricks-and-mortar and online retailers looking to grow.


From 10am until 4pm, take part in up to six 45 minute workshops helping you maximise sales opportunities, connect with potential clients and grow your business.


The day of activities is being delivered by TownSq and Antur Cymru as part of an SPF, UK Government funded project in association with Powys County Council.


26 Medi 2024, 10:00 - 16:00
Digwyddiad ar-lein

Cost: Am ddim

10am - 10:45am - Workshop 1: Get your website found

Delivered by TownSq

Looking to get your online store found in search? This 45 minute session will give you a whistle stop tour of search engine optimisation (SEO), giving you tips and tricks to optimise your site to get found by your intended customers. In this session we'll cover the 5 key elements of SEO, simple changes you can make & how to set up a google profile listing.

Yn edrych i sicrhau bod eich siop ar-lein yn cael ei darganfod mewn chwiliadau? Bydd y sesiwn 45 munud hon yn rhoi taith gyflym i chi o optimeiddio peiriannau chwilio (SEO), gan roi awgrymiadau a thriciau i chi i wella eich safle fel y caiff ei ganfod gan eich cwsmeriaid bwriedig. Yn y sesiwn hon, byddwn yn trafod y 5 elfen allweddol o SEO, newidiadau syml y gallwch eu gwneud a sut i sefydlu proffil Google.


11am - 11:45am - Workshop 2: Visual merchandising for retail

Delivered by Antur Cymru

A brief introduction into merchandising your retail space whether you are a pop up, high street shop or market stall. We'll be covering the key things to consider when making a retail display as well as simple merchandising techniques you can use.

Cyflwyniad byr i farchnata eich gofod manwerthu, boed yn siop pop-up, siop ar y stryd fawr, neu stondin farchnad. Byddwn yn trafod y pethau allweddol i'w hystyried wrth greu arddangosfa fanwerthu yn ogystal â thechnegau marchnata syml y gallwch eu defnyddio.


12pm - 12:45pm - Workshop 3: Marketing your retail business

Delivered by TownSq

Ideal for businesses looking to attract new customers. This 45 minute session will help you: get clarity on your ideal customer and how to reach them; understand easy ways to connect with new clients and gain tips, tricks, and templates to get you started.

Delfrydol ar gyfer busnesau sy'n edrych i ddenu cwsmeriaid newydd. Bydd y sesiwn 45 munud hon yn eich helpu i: gael eglurder ar eich cwsmer delfrydol a sut i'w gyrraedd; deall ffyrdd hawdd o gysylltu â chleientiaid newydd a chael awgrymiadau, triciau a thempledi i'ch rhoi ar ben ffordd.


1pm - 1:45pm - Workshop 4: Buying wholesale

Delivered by Antur Cymru

A quick introduction to buying for your retail space. In this session we will cover purchasing through wholesalers and platforms, negotiating terms and seasonal planning. 

Cyflwyniad cyflym i brynu ar gyfer eich gofod manwerthu. Yn y sesiwn hon, byddwn yn trafod prynu trwy gyfanwerthwyr a llwyfannau, negodi telerau, a chynllunio tymhorol.


2pm - 2:45pm - Workshop 5: Setting up an online store

Delivered by TownSq

Thinking of taking your business online? This 45 minute power session will give you a whistle stop tour of Shopify. How it works, what it offers and how you can get started with your own online store. This session is ideal if you're thinking of selling online for the first time, looking to set up a website selling products, or wanting an insight into Shopify as a platform.

Yn ystyried mynd â’ch busnes ar-lein? Bydd y sesiwn bŵer 45 munud hon yn rhoi taith gyflym i chi o Shopify: sut mae’n gweithio, beth mae’n ei gynnig, a sut gallwch ddechrau gyda’ch siop ar-lein eich hun. Mae’r sesiwn hon yn delfrydol os ydych yn ystyried gwerthu ar-lein am y tro cyntaf, yn edrych i sefydlu gwefan i werthu cynhyrchion, neu eisiau cael mewnwelediad i Shopify fel llwyfan.


3pm - 3:45pm - Workshop 6: Selling your products into retail

Delivered by Antur Cymru

An introduction to selling your products to retail businesses on a wholesale or commission basis. This session will cover the difference between wholesale and commission sales, the margins for wholesale and commission, as well as attracting larger orders from retailers.

Cyflwyniad i werthu eich cynnyrch i fusnesau manwerthu ar sail cyfanwerthol neu comisiwn. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn trafod y gwahaniaeth rhwng gwerthiannau cyfanwerthol a chomisiwn, y marciau ar gyfer cyfanwerthu a chomisiwn, yn ogystal â denu gorchmynion mwy gan fanwerthwyr.


We reserve the right to cancel or amend the timings of these sessions at any point up to the stated start time of the session.
Delegates may also cancel their booking at any time by following the link in their confirmation email.
Delegates are responsible for ensuring that they can access the web site where the training is delivered and for any and all charges incurred during attendance at the session.
The delegate acknowledges that all course material, program material or copies thereof are and will remain the property of the training provider and are subject to copyright. It is expressly agreed that neither the delegate nor their sponsoring organisation will copy the whole or any part of those materials without the written consent of the training provider.
The training provider accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the use of the EMS by the delegate or their sponsoring organisation as a result of their participation in the training and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising to the delegate, their sponsoring organisation or any third parties howsoever that loss or damage arises (save that this provision will not exclude liability for death or personal injury arising from the negligence of the training provider).
No variation to these conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing between the authorised representatives of the training provider and the delegate and/or their sponsoring organisation. The delegate and their sponsoring organisation acknowledge that these terms and conditions supersede any written or verbal communication.
Permission to Use Testimonial, Photograph and/or Video Images
I grant permission to Town Square Spaces Ltd, its representatives and employees, the right to use my testimonial and/or to take photographs and/or video images of me which may be used with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including publicity, illustration, advertising and Web content.
I agree to waive any right to and demand for compensation or other consideration for said rights. No promises have been made to me in exchange for my signature below.
I hereby release Town Square Spaces Ltd, its representatives and employees, from any and all claims for damages, libel, slander, invasion of the right of privacy, or any other claim based on the use of said testimonial, photographs and/or video image.
Exhibitors Health and Safety
We take our responsibility, as laid out in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, very seriously and it is vital that our Exhibitors do the same. The Health & Safety at Work Act embraces the Exhibition and Conference venues as places of work. As an exhibitor, it is essential that you are aware of your obligations of the Act.
These responsibilities are to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees and any plant, article, substance or system of work, which may be used, are safe and without risk to health.
This includes that all employees and contractors employed by you are provided with information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the health & safety of themselves and others working, or present, in the vicinity by what they do or fail to do. Main areas which you must give due thought and consideration to before and during your time on site are:
There is an important need to keep walkways clear during build-up/breakdown and throughout the Expo open day.
Only acceptable substances are allowed on-site and full compliance with the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) regulation is required.
Ensure portable power equipment is only used for the purpose for which it is designed, with safety guards and devices fitted and used. Power leads must be kept to a minimum and not cross walkways. Power requirements must not overload the systems. Such equipment must never be left unattended with power supplied to it. Please do not create a floor hazard at any time.
Exhibitors Terms and Conditions
Any sale or supply of alcohol at the show must be agreed in advance and licensed by the venue. Selling alcohol for consumption at the show is not permitted. Please note that there should be no consumption of alcohol during build up and breakdown. Contact hello@townsq.co.uk to discuss any alcohol requirements.
Noise levels & music system
Music and commentary for demonstrations, videos, presentations etc., using music systems such as a Public Address (PA) or AV Equipment etc would require authorisation. Exhibitors must ensure the sound is kept to an acceptable level (below 80 decibels from the edge of the stand) and does not disturb adjacent exhibitors. In case of dispute, the Show Management’s decision will be final. Contact hello@townsq.co.uk to discuss any demonstration requirements.
Distribution of promotional material & demos
Exhibitors may only conduct business and distribute literature from within their stand, not in the walkways or outside of the Expo. All activities and demonstrations (e.g. the operation of machines, video and film shows etc.) must be reported in the exhibitor’s Risk Assessment prior to the event and have the approval of the Operations team. Contact hello@townsq.co.uk to discuss any demonstration requirements.

Trefnydd y digwyddiad

Town Square
Town Square Spaces
Fusion House
CF83 3ED
United Kingdom: Wales

02921 111252
E-bost | Gwefan