[ Neidio i Gynnwys ]

Simple, Digital Supply Chain Workshop

Bydd y sesiwn hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Saesneg


Cost: Am ddim

About this event 

Digital Supply Chain Hub together with Industry Wales is hosting a Future of Supply Chain Lab on Thursday 14th November 2024. The lab will bring together a small group of SME manufacturers from across sectors to explore the potential of data and digital technologies to increase competitiveness and develop smarter supply chains. 


What are the benefits? 

The lab will provide you with a creative space to explore and learn new ideas and digital technologies which can directly improve your supply chains; and to design, test and experiment with new approaches; outside of your day-to-day environment. Come and hear from leading technologists and other experts who are building innovative solutions using technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. 

Future of Supply Chain Labs will provide you with ideas and approaches to: 

Improve forecasting and demand management 

Improve visibility and security of real-time data, tracking and traceability 

Manage disruption and the impact on lead times 

Measure carbon footprint, scope 3 emissions and reduce energy use. 

Improve stock control, reduce waste and manage materials price volatility 

Improve after sales service and customer satisfaction 


There will also be plenty of time for building new connections and networking with peers. Participants will also receive fully funded access to a Digital Supply Chain Readiness diagnostic and 1-2-1 support to develop their action plan and identify funding to test and implement innovative solutions. 


Improve your supply chain resilience, sustainability and profitability 

UK manufacturing and operation is facing a supply chain crisis. Rising prices, transport delays, materials shortages, and working capital pressure are key concerns.

Small and medium-sized manufacturers are on the frontlines, squeezed by customer requirements and supplier performance as well as increasing regulatory, compliance and Net Zero requirements. 


Join us on Wednesday 14th November 2024 at Renishaw, Miskin Business Park, Miskin, Vale of Glamorgan, CF72 8XY



9:00 Welcome and Introductions 

9:30 Supply chain challenges and the role of data and digitalisation 

10:00 Digital Technology in Action: Renishaw Demonstration and Facility Tour

11.15 Coffee break

11:30 Digital Briefing (featuring interactive discussions and Q&A)    

How digital technologies impact supply chain resilience & productivity 

13:00 Lunch and networking 

13:30 DSCH Frameworks and Tools 

14:00 Breakout Group Discussions 

Exploring your supply chain challenges and digitalisation opportunities  

Introduction Digital Supply Chain Roadmapping 

15:30 Closing Remarks and Next Steps 

16:00 Adjourn 


Who should attend? 

This event will be of interest to all senior leaders as well as individuals with responsibility for supply-chain management, sustainability, manufacturing operations, logistics and customer service. We encourage two attendees from each business. Places are limited so early registration is advised.

Dyddiadau a lleoliadau

14 Tachwedd 2024, 09:00 - 16:00
Renishaw Miskin, Miskin, CF72 8XY

Cost: Am ddim

This is a PROMPt start at 09:00 so please arrive with plenty of time to park your car, book yourself in and be ready for the start of the day.

We have an exclusive opportunity for a small group of SME manufacturing companies to learn about low cost digital solutions; both in the manufacturing process and applied to improving supply chain resilience, sustainability and profitability.

As part of the day, Renishaw will share their 30 years plus experience in material movements within their facilities and give a factory tour to demonstrate its use. New opportunities and innovations arising from the Digital Supply Chain Hub will also be showcased.



  • 9:00 Welcome and Introductions 

  • 9:30 Supply chain challenges and the role of data and digitalisation 

  • 10:00 Digital Technology in Action: Renishaw Demonstration and Facility Tour

  • 11.15 Coffee break
  • 11:30 Digital Briefing (featuring interactive discussions and Q&A)    

How digital technologies impact supply chain resilience & productivity 

  • 13:00 Lunch and networking 

  • 13:30 DSCH Frameworks and Tools 

  • 14:00 Breakout Group Discussions 

Exploring your supply chain challenges and digitalisation opportunities  

Introduction Digital Supply Chain Roadmapping 

  • 15:30 Closing Remarks and Next Steps 

  • 16:00 Adjourn

Gweld lleoliad

Dim ond 21 lleoedd ar ôl ar y digwyddiad hwn.

Archebwch nawr i osgoi cael eich siomi

Amodau arbennig

This event is being run by Industry Wales and the Digital Supply Chain Hub. The GDPR statement in the Ts&Cs will now include the Digital Supply Chain Hub, Smart Manufacturing Data Hub and Innovate UK as partners in the sharing of any data you submit in applying for a ticket to this event.


Diwydiant Cymru yw enw masnachu Sector Development Wales Partnership Ltd, sy'n gwmni sy'n eiddo i Lywodraeth Cymru.

Os ydych chi'n archebu lle ar ddigwyddiad Diwydiant Cymru, byddwn yn cofnodi'r wybodaeth a ddarperir gennych yn ddigidol i gynnig gwasanaethau personol neu lleol i chi, a allai naill ai hyrwyddo'ch busnes i ddarpar gwsmeriaid neu gynnig cyfle i chi ddatblygu perthynas fusnes â darpar gwsmeriaid neu gyflenwyr. Bydd y gwybodaeth a ddarperir gennych ar gael i Ddiwydiant Cymru a Fforymau cysylltiedig (gan gynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i, Fforwm Aerofod Cymru, Fforwm Modurol Cymru a'r Rhwydwaith Electronig, Meddalwedd a Thechnoleg [ESTNet]) ynghyd â Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU. Gallem, o bryd i'w gilydd, ofyn am eich barn i'n helpu i wella ein gwasanaethau.

Mae'r enwau, delweddau a logos, gan nodi Diwydiant Cymru yn farciau perchnogol Diwydiant Cymru. Ni chaniateir copïo neu ddefnyddio'r logos a gyrchir trwy'r wefan hon heb gymeradwyaeth ysgrifenedig Diwydiant Cymru ymlaen llaw.

Nid yw cadarnhad awtomataidd o'ch tocyn, gan y wefan hon, yn gwarantu cais llwyddiannus i fynychu digwyddiad Diwydiant Cymru. Mae Diwydiant Cymru yn cadw'r hawl i dynnu'n ôl y gwahoddiad ar unrhyw adeg cyn y digwyddiad. Ni fydd Diwydiant Cymru yn cael ei ddal yn gyfrifol am unrhyw gostau a dynnir / hyd nes y byddant yn gysylltiedig â'r cais i fynychu.

Mae digwyddiadau a gynhelir gan Ddiwydiant Cymru yn bennaf ar gyfer busnesau sydd wedi'u lleoli yn ddaearyddol yng Nghymru, fodd bynnag, ystyrir ceisiadau os yw eich lleoliad daearyddol y  tu allan i Gymru.

Trefnydd y digwyddiad

Diwydiant Cymru
Waterton Technology Centre
Waterton Industrial Estate
CF31 3WT
United Kingdom: Wales

01656 679 105
E-bost | Gwefan