[ Neidio i Gynnwys ]

Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig - Welsh Water

Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig (DCC) trading as Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) is the regulated company that provides water and sewerage services to over 3 million people living and working in Wales as well as some adjoining parts of England.  DCC is owned by Glas Cymru, a “not for profit” holding company.  DCC serves 1.4 million households and businesses.  DCC raises income of over £450m annually from water supply, sewerage and trade effluent services.

DCC operates 67 impounding reservoirs, 66 water treatment works and supply an average 828 million litres of water every day through a network of 27,000km of water mains, including 728 pumping stations and 645 service reservoirs. DCC also collects wastewater (and surface drainage) through a network of more than 30,000km of sewers, incorporating 1,861 sewage-pumping stations and 3,201 combined sewer overflows. It is treated at 836 wastewater treatment works located next to rivers and along the coast of Wales.

DCC’s primary responsibility is to operate, maintain and upgrade this large network of assets to ensure a safe and reliable drinking water supply and to deal effectively with wastewater so as to protect the environment.

Trefnydd y digwyddiad

Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig - Welsh Water
Pentwyn Road
CF46 6LY
United Kingdom: Wales

01633 963082
E-bost | Gwefan