A new approach to sharing information with financial markets.
Who are we?
We are a new company registered in Wales that is aiming to become the primary online source of company news for investors of all ages.
What do we do?
We deliver a unique news service to both listed companies and people who invest in the same companies.
This may involve podcast interviews with CEOs, written Q&As with BoDs, publishing of company presentations, and also hosting events to bring company CEOs closer to shareholders.
We regularly liaise with shareholders to make sure we ask the right questions of the CEOs and Directors that we interview. Many of these then choose to present at our live events around the UK.
Why do we do it?
We identified a need to take conversations out of internet forums to a more trusted source, direct from the CEOs via and our social media channels.
We are increasingly gaining a reputation as a reliable source of news for shareholders and we are keen to take the companies we work with to speak with investors face-to face in their own cities, not just in London.
What can you expect from attending one of our events?
An opportunity to ask any question you like in a relaxed environment to some of the UK’s most innovative companies.
An opportunity to network with like-minded investors and have a drink with CEOs and directors of listed companies.
You will leave having gained significant knowledge and insight about the company or sector you came to hear about.
Expect to enjoy it!