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Business in the Community Cymru

Welcome to Business in the Community in Wales

Business in the Community (BITC) Cymru is the Prince’s Responsible Business Network in Wales. It is the business-led charity that works with business of all sizes and sectors to help them achieve commercial success in way which honour their values; and at the same time making a real difference to the people, economy and environment of Wales. By growing the Prince’s Responsible Business Network, it aims to achieve its vision for every business in Wales to behave responsibly. 

What is responsible business? 

Responsible business is about how a business makes its money not simply how it spends its profit. It is about managing growth responsibly while reducing dependency on natural resources. It is about how the business operates as an employer, supplier and customer and how as a neighbour it helps to create vibrant communities where people can flourish. BITC Cymru is proving responsible business can be a force for positive change – tackling social and environmental issues whilst returning financial value. 

Event organiser

Business in the Community Cymru
BITC Cymru
2nd Floor, 33-35 Cathedral Road
CF11 9HB
United Kingdom: Wales

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