The Cardiff University CPD Unit offer extensive professional development opportunities designed to raise your skill levels and equip you with cutting edge knowledge and techniques.
Our provision is constantly updated to reflect business needs and the latest industry developments. Our courses are underpinned by world-class research and teaching expertise, and informed by our close links with industry, professional bodies and the public sector.
Learning is practical with a particular emphasis on discussion and interaction, and how new skills and knowledge can be applied in the workplace.
We aim to ensure that employees continue to develop their skills to the fullest which will help organisations to remain innovative, competitive and up-to-date.
Short Courses
We offer a range of scheduled short courses, enabling participants to develop their skills and knowledge in a stimulating and dynamic environment whilst sharing experience and ideas with others working in the field.
These are mostly shorter, intensive, non-credit bearing courses. While some are designed for those in particular professional fields, others cover more general skills that will be of value to a wide range of people.
Bespoke provision
We have extensive experience in working with organisations to develop and deliver high quality, relevant, cost effective bespoke learning solutions.
We will work with you from identification of the business issue through to course design and evaluation of the training. This ensures we understand your business and deliver appropriate learning interventions specifically tailored to your organisation’s requirements.
We can deliver customised versions of an existing short course or programme, or develop something tailored to your organisation and exploiting the University’s expertise in a range of disciplines.
Postgraduate modules
Many of our postgraduate courses are available to study as standalone modules.
This gives you the opportunity to study flexibly and choose modules to suit your own professional development needs.
Customer Care
Customer care is an integral part of the services that we provide. Our customer charter sets out what you can expect from us.
We are committed to providing a service which is friendly, helpful and responsive to your needs and do everything reasonably possible to ensure the reliability of our services.
You can expect our staff to be courteous, respectful and considerate at all times, and to respond to your enquiries promptly and efficiently.
You can help us to accomplish this by treating our staff and fellow customers with respect and courtesy.