LizaHenry will provide excellent CPD and training for businesses and individuals to inspire, engage and support them in growth.
Our commitment is to deliver excellent, innovative and skills based training that delivers results both for the learner and their customer/client.
Our courses are lively, fun and practical – giving you the skills to use in your work from the moment you leave.
LizaHenry is grounded from an Education and therapeutic background and this influences everything we do. Our courses must be educational, learners must learn something. Our courses facilitate best practice, stimulate creative thinking and getting each ‘brain’ we encounter to make new neural connections and move up a learning level!
As the famous Spanish philosopher Maimonides once noted:
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
This quotation and its ethos summarises our approach to training.