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Creating a cashflow forecast and invoicing.


Cost: Free

Creating a cashflow forecast can seem daunting for some, but Big Ideas Wales will show you how to create a cashflow in a simple way.  Cashflow forecasts are required for grant funding and this webinar will help you know how to create yours. Do you need to invoice for your business?  If so, we have you covered.  We will show you how to create an invoice. 


By the end of this week, you will:


·         Create a cashflow forecast.

·         Create an invoice.

·         How to create an invoice template.

·         Be awarded a certificate for completion of this module for your Big Ideas Wales portfolio.


3 March 2025, 10:30 - 11:30
Online event

Cost: Free

4 March 2025, 17:30 - 18:30
Online event

Cost: Free

Special Conditions

Business Wales is a bilingual service and our events and workshops are available in Welsh and English, on registration please discuss you language preferences. 


The Welsh Government will collect and process data that you provide for specific purposes. You will be asked to provide information about yourself when you use certain support services, in order to complete your request or transaction. This may include personal information such as your name, email addresses, mailing address and telephone number. We use this data to provide you with the information, products or services that you request from us. We may keep a record of any contacts you have with us. We may use the information that you provide for record keeping, statistical, or research or quality purposes.

We only retain this information where required to do so by law; for the length of time needed to provide the service or information you have requested (including any retention period specified by law or by Welsh Government policy).

We may use the information provided to offer you personalised or local services, to notify you of changes to our service, to ask your opinions and to help us to improve our services.

In order to provide the information, products or services that you have requested we will share your data as required with other organisations - for example with a publications distribution organisation if you order a publication, with a local business support organisation if you request local contact or support, or with the relevant government department, agency or authority to complete a request or transaction.

You have the right to ask for your information to be removed from our records, see any information the Welsh Government holds about you, and to correct inaccuracies.

We will not pass on your details for any other purpose unless we are required to do so by law.

The Welsh Government will be the data controller for the personal data you provide to Big Ideas Wales in order for us to complete our public task to support entrepreneurship. The data will be processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

In order for you to receive support from this European Funded Operation we are required to collect information from you.  We process your data in line with the official authority vested in Welsh Government to support youth entrepreneurship in line with the national strategy Prosperity for All

Under the data protection legislation you have the right to:
- Access to the Personal data that we are processing about you;
- Require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data;
- The right (in certain circumstances) to object to or restrict processing;;
- The right (in certain circumstances) for your data to be ‘erased’;
- Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is our independent regulator for data protection

For further information please contact us at Welsh Government, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL31 9RZ.

If you have concerns or a complaint about how the Welsh Government are handling data under GDPR , the contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are: Customer Contact, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Telephone: 01625 545 745/ 0303 123 1113, Website:  www.ico.org.uk

The information collected is processed by Business in Focus and Antur Teifi who deliver business support on behalf of Big Ideas Wales. The data will be sent to the Welsh Government/Welsh European Funding Office and in some instances to parties working on their behalf, and used in the following ways.

  • To fulfil the reporting requirements of the European Commission for European Regional Development Fund projects.
  • To monitor and report on the number of individuals and enterprises taking part in projects and the number of people from different groups being supported (e.g. different ages, genders and ethnicities).
  • By the Welsh Government and other public bodies, to carry out the funding, planning, monitoring and to produce statistical publications.
  • By approved social research organisations, to carry out research, analysis or equal opportunities monitoring.
  • For audit and verification purposes.
  • To link your data from this form to other data sources for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the project has had on the individuals and enterprises who took part.

Research organisations/evaluators will only contact a sample of individuals and/or enterprises. If you are contacted to take part in any research/evaluation about your experience on the project the purpose of the interview or survey will be explained to you and you will be given the option to say yes or no to taking part. You contact details will only be used for approved research purposes and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Research organisations will delete your contact details once this approved research is complete.

Your data will be retained for the duration of the Big Ideas Wales programme plus 10 years for audit purposes.

Event organiser

Big Ideas Wales
Welsh Government/ Youth Entrepreneurship Services
QED Centre, Treforest Industrial Estate
CF37 5YR
United Kingdom

03000 6 03000
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